Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Masters and slaves and jumpers, oh my

The new zippy CPU has been installed and this morning I learned how to transfer data from one hard drive to another. Jumpers tell the old hard drive whether it is to master or slave (slave in this case) and one plugs it into the slave cable of the DVD drive though and IDE thingy. And then when you turn on the computer, it automatically detects that there is another hard drive and one can easily transfer data to the main, master 160 GB hard drive. Grrrr! Granted, I will have forgotten all of this tomorrow, but it was a bit of fun this morning.
To offset all of the other fun.
I managed to get up really early this AM and make it to the post office to send off the pieced quilt for machine quilting. I am very excited, as this will mark my first to completion quilt. It is in a ladybug pattern and I hope to hand deliver it when I visit the wee niece in March. If all goes well, I will post pictures when completed and advertise this lady's business. So far, she is super nice and reasonably priced. I only hope that the end product turns out well.
Part of my getting up super early was to make it to the post office before I came into work at ***8 AM*** (gasp) to help an undergrad who had needed my help. Now, I was late, by about 15 minutes. But I called, twice. No one answered. And it is my perrogative as senior grad student. Young Eager Pup claims to have been here himself and waited until 8:30 AM (I'm gonna call bullshit on that one!). So, I got here really early and still had to deal with him later on in the day. Ugh.
And on TSB front - things are going, well, fantabulous. Scary, really. We spent the entire weekend together last, save about 6 hours where I went to work and shopped with my Nicuaraguan/ German friend and he went home to !nap!. Much is to be said about the N/G friend and the shopping that day, but I will hold off.
Nevertheless, TSB came over Saturday night, took me out on a proper date (dinner and a movie - yea Crazy Noodles!) and then we headed back to my place for a little nookie. That's right, you read correct. Nookie. Yum. I hadn't planned it (though was prepared) but the decision came easily enough and so far there are no regrets.
There's more, but I have to get back to the assays.
The assays, Jim. My God, The Assays!


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