Friday, May 12, 2006

Three whole weeks

Three whole weeks since my last post. Well, since I am not dead, I guess that means there will be a lot about which to write.
Poster got accepted to Bioscience2006 in Glasgow in July. This is exciting. Not so exciting is that I have to present a poster at the Biochem/Biophys retreat at the end of May here at school. Originally, I was to be exempt. But my big mouth got me into trouble. Fortunately, I took down Husky with me, so I am not alone.
Therapy is going well. I am working towards specific goals that seem attainable. My therapist and I seem to be communicating well, much better than the other guy, and I feel really positive about this experience. It makes me nervous about what will happen when she is not there as a resource, but I am trying to live more in the moment and less in the future, so that is a small worry, comparatively.
Things with TSB and I are still going well. Exceedingly well, I would say. Not sure what he would say. We have, in the past three weeks, encountered some 'real life' issues, which have buffeted up against our blissful existence of 'just us two plus the dog'. I say, 'Yea. Real life. Not everything is perfect and it is important to see how each of us reacts and acts in the face of adversity or even any situation that is less than perfect.' That is what I say. TSB has more experience with the type of adversity that results in catastrophe, and therefore has a fear that 'less than ideal'=catastrophe. I have been pleasantly surprised that even though this fear exists, he has enough faith in us to weather things out. And while we are really still *only* at four months joint time, it gives me hope that this might actually turn out to be a long term thing.
The plans for the sister's wedding at the beginning of July are coming together. Plane and rental car are taken care of. Now if I could just get my ass down to a size that does not look exceedingly unflattering in the dress that I want to wear, I would be happy. Not that I am not happy, but I don't want to buy another dress. Also, nota bene, I spoke with my sister TWICE this week for a total of TWENTY minutes and neither of our heads popped off. It was rather CIVILIZED and GENIAL. I think this qualifies as APOCALYPTIC, as such the reason for all the unnecessary capitalization. Just riding the good wave...
Let us see, I got sick a couple of weeks ago, with a raging infection just in my throat. Like two hedgehogs decided to take up residence. TSB was amazing and took v. good care of me. I am continually grateful and astounded.
Also i took up swing dancing, which has been put on hold these last two weeks. This is a bit of a bone of contention betwixt TSB and myself, but I am really enjoying it (the dancing, not the contention) and it turns out I might have some rhythm afterall. I still have a greater urge to be on the stage with a sax in my hands, but the dancing to live music is a bit of a substitute.
Bruno left my parents on April 20th, while the 'rents were on vacation. He will be sorely missed. I need to find a good picture of him and post it.


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