Sunday, December 04, 2005

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

So I haven't posted (blogged?!?) in a while. Lo and behold, I been busy. Last week was of course Thanksgiving. I am still struggling with the whole getting my ass into work thing, so I gave myself permission to take off 5 days - no reading, no papers - just knitting, quilting, and cooking.
I spent the Tuesday before T-day running around the lab, trying to get things to an OK stopping point. That night the Stitch N Bitch ladies met for dinner at the Skellig and after dinner tea and ice cream at Lizzie's. Something so satisfying about knitting with beer. That was a fun evening - I hadn't planned to stay out as late as we did. It meant that Wednesday AM was spent running errands and packing all of my crafties for the trip to CT. I stopped off at the lab with Halley, who strutted her stuff in her pretty red capelet. The drive to CT was not too bad, considering I didn't get on the Pike until noon.
Halley and I stopped off at mom's work, where again Halley was admired for her poise and beauty. Many of the elderly in the home had pets before they lived there. Halley is a perfect lady when we visit, allowing everyone to pet her, being very gentle, and not getting spooked by all the wheel chairs and walkers.
Thanksgiving was white in CT; we had about 2.5 inches when all was said and done. It started before I woke on Thursday and continued for much of the day. I am really glad I opted not to run in a T-day road race.
Mom and I cooked most of the day Thursday. Dinner was at 3 PM; Lil Brother joined. After dinner Mom and I had planed to quilt but our plans were disrupted. I had let the dogs out for about 5 minutes for an after dinner run and constitutional. When I went back out, I found Bruno in the front yard! What a good boy for coming back when I called. Sometimes greyhounds can get one-track minded and not hear a thing. Turns out there were two other dogs running loose in the neighborhood. I snagged them and we called the animal warden. All this before pie!
I did not get very much quilting done after that. I did spend all day Friday on the machine, turning out ladybugs for my latest quilt. Saturday was spent in the kitchen, cooking pignoli cookies, pumpkin spice cookies and zucchini bread.
The zucchini bread is part of a challenge. Two post docs upstairs shared some z. bread they received as part of a thank you for some training they provided. I think the bread was from a student from MIT. I accepted a slice of the bread, and then proceeded to boast how my bread was better. Well, the Two Post Docs said, "Prove it." When I returned back to work on the Monday after T-day, I was dismayed to find that one of the Two Post Docs was in Taiwan. I put the bread in the freezer for the week. I will pull it out tonight and tomorrow they will experience the brilliance that is my zucchini bread.
Then this week happened - a double protein prep week. Has made my evenings in the lab run late - 1 and 2 PM a couple of nights. And I have to give GM on Tuesday. I should really get cracking on that paper. Hopefully, I will get too nice protein preps out of all the hard work. dunno yet.
My gel should be done destaining now.


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