Thursday, October 26, 2006


If there is one word to describe my intent recently, it is avoidance. I have avoided posting on my blog for a completely stupid reason.
>> I didn't have pictures of the yarn I am spinning to post.
Seriously. I haven't been writing my manuscript in the past three or so weeks because I am scared of the last round of my boss's comments of the craptastic nature of my latest effort. Literally avoiding opening the email with the attachment of corrections for the past three weeks. It just sits in my inbox. I am avoiding a couple of other things - dishes, laundry, cleaning my desk, repeating the experiment that failed the previous three times, the bill collector. But the funny thing is, I am feeling better. I am feeling like my depression is finally lifting. I am feeling urges to do things, not just thinking the thoughts that I *should* be doing things. But things for which I have urges are not the necessary things I need to be doing to advance my life at this point. So while I am feeling better, I've still not gotten around to that all important breaking point where I finally decide that enough is enough and I put my A back into G - (ass into gear). There is so much that needs to be done in the next six months that I can almost not catch my breath when I think of it. So what do I do? Not think about it. See how this avoidance thing works?
In other news, I am traveling to Houston next weekend to visit with sister's family and help celebrate my niece's first birthday. I am very excited about that. There must be other things going on?!? I sat here for a minute or two, got up to drink some coffee, and sat back down and now my mind is a blank. There simply must be more going on.
A quick glance at my calendar indicates that I am going to take part in a focus group tonight about how women view themselves physically and how those views color their perceptions of their periods. Really, the timing couldn't be more perfect.
I think I really need a vacation. Like a serious amount of time off - either 5 or 7 consecutive days. I was originally thinking of taking some time off around Thanksgiving and traveling, but certain elements did not come together for that. Now, I don't even have a break planned towards which I can look forward in anticipation. Ugh, to not even have anything to look forward to is demoralizing.
Maybe one of these days I will finally take pictures of the yarn I am spinning so I can share with all of you. I mean really, if I am on the science knitters webring, I must post about my fiber issues and keep the rest of my life crapola to a minimum.
Oh, and Husky just came back from the doc's and let us all kow that he and his wife are having a boy pup. Truly joyous news.



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