Wednesday, December 21, 2005

What in goD's name was Steinbrenner thinking?!?

OK Seriously, Johnny Damon in pinstripes? I am thoroughly disgusted. Johnny - dumb as a brick - Damon as a Yankee. Well as I live and breathe.
It was particularly hard to get over the whole A-tool thing. I have absolutely no respect for A-rod. I really can't see what everybody else sees, apparently. And I know that Bernie Williams is tired and aged and really disserves to relax in the last year of his contract. He's stepped up everytime the Yankees have needed him, and done so in a truly gentlemanly, unassuming manner. But to get him Johnny Damon as the replacement is so freakin' absurd.
I just don't know if I can go on being a yankees fan. I just may have to jump ship. After 31 years of true, blind Yankees faith, it seems heretical to me to even consider rooting for another team. It may come down to that though.
Here's hoping Damon fails the physical.


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