Tuesday, January 03, 2006


So it is January - named for the Roman god Janus - a god who looked both forward and back on account of his having two faces. Thus it is fitting that I look forward and backward, in the tradition of great Roman gods.
Hmmm, backward. Well, 2005 was not particularly a banner year for me. The year started off innocuously enough, with me grinding away at various rat body parts and cow brains in the ever exhaustive search for my enzyme. That was gruesome. My favorite word in that period was macabre - I used it for every occasion. There was the T9 Mother's Day race in Boulder CO, that was brilliant. It was a 9K - the first for my mother. My sister joined us and we managed to actually... get along for three days. It just about blew me away. And the mountains - ah mountains. Not like the little ant farms of the Appalachians, these were truly purple mountain majesty.
I dumped my old therapist - that was a positive. But then I got really depressed - that was a negative. Then I got a new therapist and I am slowly making my way back to the land of the living. That is a positive.
The hPD has not really progressed at the rate I expected. This is a negative. My bosses still have blind faith in me, though. Not sure if that one is a positive or a negative - we'll say yea.
I finally reigned in some of my bad habits, quitting several for good. That's positive. Unfortunately, during the depressed summer I let go of some good habits and revisited other old bad habits. That's bad.
Then there was the fall, the arrival of my niece YEA!!!!! Nothing but good there. Gabi died this fall - I still haven't reconciled whether that is a positive or negative - it just is. At least she suffers no more.
I made it through the holidays without losing my head or going on a major bender, so that's good.
Now I get to look forward. I have set additional goals for myself. A formal (if mental) graduation deadline. A trip to Scotland for a meeting and another trip or two to SF for a meeting and to get a postdoc. A manuscript or two - I think that's reasonable. Perhaps trying to remain happy and positive and productive. I have additional projects to finish in 2006 - I am looking forward to getting my hands on those.
As an aside - I finished cleaves in time for New Year's. I had to make a couple of modifications - my bust needed a bit more than 8 inches of the cowl for it to look appropriate - plus I added a 3-way cable down both arms. Anyway - I showed up at a party where I hardly knew anyone and within 5 minutes was being poked and admired for my handiwork. Go Me.
Maybe I will get around to posting a picture of it here. I really like it.
felice anno nuovo


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