Monday, November 27, 2006


The response from that last post was... deafening. Well, here is something way less interesting...

This past weekend was the four day Thanksgiving weekend-ishk. It started on Wednesday, when I really couldn't justify staying at work past 2:30. I wasn't getting anything done, and I needed to be doing other things. So I went home and began to bake (cupcakes for Thursday's feast) when I realized that I did not have cupcake tins and would, in fact, have to go to the market. Ugh - on the worstest day of the year. So off to the Hannaford I trotted. I picked up tins and some other things I can't remember, and then headed home. I baked up the cupcakes and then proceeded to decorate them like turkeys. TSB arrived quite late, after placing the bird in an overnight bath of salt and beer, and we ate some dinner.
We went to bed early, since we were expecting to leave my place by 9 AM!!! Thanksgiving dinner was hosted by some friends of TSB who live in Worcester. TSB was responsible for the Turkey prep and cooking - thus we had to be at their place quite early. I brought knitting - specifically a Boyfriend sweater for TSB. While the turkey cooked, I knit. I managed to cast on and knit up a good 2.5 inches.
Sidebar: the BF sweater is knit in the round. It is kind-a designed by me with heavy influence from Saranac and Lucky. TSB has also weighed in several times when I have been faced with too many options (like k:p ratio). We (he) decided on k4p2, which I think looks quite good. I am using Peruvian wool. I reminded myself of cable cast-on, managed to count to 252 after several tries and even managed to knit 2.5 inches. Go me! TSB is still teasing that he won't see the completed sweater until nest Christmas. Hey, it's a goal. end sidebar

Anywho, TG Dinner was great. We stayed very late and did not get back to my place until after 1. Which would not have been a problem, 'cept the Evil Gutt made an appearance. TSB and I had already promised each other that we would sleep in as long as our little hearts desired on Friday, so the two hours of pain and crying I experienced from 1 until 3 AM didn't really cut into our schedule too much. I am not sure what prompted this latest bout. I was this close to having TSB take me to the emergency room. I have been very conscious of what I have been eating and drinking lately, no caffeine, no liquor, no (little, much reduced) processed sugars, lots of fiber and veggies and water. I am at a loss. Hopefully the doc will have an answer for me next week.
Friday, TSB and I cycled between napping, sleeping and dozing for most of the day. I did not eat anything all day (like I would do for my dog if she had a bout of Gurgly Tummy or Messy Poopy Bottom) and drank a ton of water and gatorade. Finally we roused ourselves around 4 PM and headed out to SC's to take care of the felines.
satiate was beautiful and we were determined to be active during the daylight hours. We took a long leisurely walk to SEC's. While there, I spun while TSB played a silly game. The walk home was colder and the Evil Gutt was unhappy. Oh Well.
Sunday dawned just as beautiful as Saturday, and was warmer with tempos hitting the 60's F. TSB and I went for a hike for a couple of hours. It was beautiful and peaceful and I was sad we didn't think to take Halley, though again the late afternoon was cool and she would have been cold.
We got back home in time for the Bears-Patriots game, which I had wanted to watch. It was a good game. While that was on the boob tube, I cleaned the kitchen somewhat and make gallons and gallons of turkey soup from the carcass we snagged on Thursday. I also made some whole wheat rolls with herbs which smell remarkably like stuffing. They were yummy and the soup came out like Mom's, which made me really, really happy.
I am thankful for many things - among them, that I get to cook for TSB and me. In previous years, I would not even think of making turkey soup for just me. But since it is for someone else, I don't even hesitate. I like that.



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