Monday, March 12, 2007

Baaaaah, sheepy

What kind of yarn are you?

You are Merino Wool.You are very easygoing and sweet. People like to keep you close because you are so softhearted. You love to be comfortable and warm from your head to your toes.
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Wednesday, March 07, 2007


also, I forgot to mention that my necklace broke. I usually wear a diamond solitaire. Originally, I inherited a 1/4 carat diamond solitaire from my grandmother's estate, but I lost that when the chain broke at a Biochem/Biophys retreat several years ago. I was heartbroken.
Then, about three years ago, I came upon a simple necklace with a slide pendant with a diamond chip in the center. Not as flashy, but still, made of a metal that did not react with my skin and cause boils. I basically wore it 99% of the time, except when I needed to wear pearls.
Then on Monday night, while watching Heroes at Skeintilly Clad's, I reached up to play with the necklace and pendant and it fell into my hand. Well, really the necklace fell into my hand and the slide pendant fell right through my fingers. ACK!
My neck feels so naked! There is nothing for my left hand to play with while reading. I had been considering a gift for myself upon completion of grad school - this nifty bit o' bling - but that seems so far off. Also, I was considering adopting another one of these. Unfortunately, both cost money.
Feels. So. Naked. Exposed. Cold.....

long time, no post

well, I could say that I was insanely busy, but that would be a stretch. Really I have just been apathetic. Life seems such a labor lately. In no order, I have applied for 12 positions and been rejected from 5 (so far, there is still time), have massive pains in my lower back constantly, causing my legs to be filled with pain and leading me to suspect I have developed the dreaded sciatica, friends have had babies and more friends are incubating, research is going really, really slowly (see apathy above) and it just doesn't seem to ever end.
I have been working on several projects. I have started knitting a hat/scarf/glove set out of the alpaca that I fell in love with last year. So far, I have about three inches of the top down hat done. Apparently, there is a pattern that beckons from the fabric. I am calling it fractal. It is a series of weaving single ribs that expand in a predictable, numeric way.
I have also been swearing at, er, working on TSB's sweater sleeves. Man those things are working up slowly. It is a simple k4p2 repeat, but as I am trying to do the two sleeves on two needles at the same time, that yarns get tangled all the dang time.
I started a blanket for Niece O - it really just needs a couple of hours this weekend and I will be able to knock it out. It is a very simple flannel based blanket, but since it has Dora on it, hopefully it will go over well.
Also, I have been a bit stalled on Squirt's (nee Snurt) quilt. I obtained additional fabric to finish out the borders. But the fabric has just sat. Next to the sewing machine. Not attaching itself to the 80% finished quilt sitting next to it. Stoopid fabric. I did have designs of finishing the border this past weekend at the 'Rent's House, but there was not enough time. I did have to spend the two hours watching the Carolina-Dook mauling, after all.
What else am I working on....
You know, it occurs to me that I really do need pictures of all these things.
I attended a Yarn Swap/Ditch this weekend. The intent was to unload yarns that I would never do anything with. Well, I was mostly successful, except that I came home with more yarns than I left with. This was not the intent. The intent was to reduce the stash. Umm, yeah, failed miserably on that one.
I have almost all of the fabrics for the Huskies' pup that is on the way and expected at the end of this month. I even have the pattern picked out and I have promised myself not to tweak it. At all. I will follow the directions and not modify them in any way. Well, I have made that promise to myself, but I have not yet actually started to put the thing together. We shall see how long that promise lasts.
This past year and a half was marked with multiple favored pets passing. October 2005 Gabi passed on. In my mother's arms. Then this past fall, Bruno fell. I loved the quiet gentle nature of Bruno. Something about him made me feel as if we understood each other. Then, quite unexpectedly, Bandit took a turn for the worse in January and was helped to the Rainbow bridge by my parents. Bandit was Mom and Dad's favorite. Not sure why, I always thought he was a bit thick in the head. He was a sweet loving companion though, and he is sorely missed. All of these events make me hug Halley just that much more intently, when ever she lets me. Bopp turned 10 years old on February 1st. She has transitioned into her golden years with grace, most of the time. But I am reminded constantly that she is not a spring chicken anymore and it makes me lament all the lost time that I have been in grad school. I am determined to go somewhere with nicer weather than New England so that she may enjoy the rest of her years without snow and cold.
So, that is the update on the work and the projects and the friends. Two close friends are getting married this weekend and I am terribly excited to see this. They are great people who make each other happy. Should be a swinging time.
