Cingular woes
my phone stopped having the ability to call out. I can still received calls. but yeah, no calling out.
compounding that, it is out of warranty. But, for the low low price of $65 I can do an exchange and get a new phone that will work. But my CC expires 05/06 and the charge will not go through on Cingular's end. But my bank says it sent me a replacement card in April. But I did not get it. So they will send out another card, but it will take 10 days (not to mention it is a holiday weekend). So I am a bit stymied right now. According to my bank, there is no problem with the card, except that it will expire in 5 days. According to Cingular, there is nothing they can do until they get an active card with a later expiration date. Arrrggghhh!
Not to mention that they just billed my account (I do the automatic prepaid thingy) and there is over $65 dollars that Cingular already has of my money. That can't be accessed either. it is in the nether world.
I feel like I am in the nether world. This is odd. For a long time I did not have a phone, and I did not mind the disconnectedness that went along with that. Times have changed, circumstances have changed. Now I miss having a functional phone. I am so annoyed.
And Garrett at Cingular is a piss-ant!
compounding that, it is out of warranty. But, for the low low price of $65 I can do an exchange and get a new phone that will work. But my CC expires 05/06 and the charge will not go through on Cingular's end. But my bank says it sent me a replacement card in April. But I did not get it. So they will send out another card, but it will take 10 days (not to mention it is a holiday weekend). So I am a bit stymied right now. According to my bank, there is no problem with the card, except that it will expire in 5 days. According to Cingular, there is nothing they can do until they get an active card with a later expiration date. Arrrggghhh!
Not to mention that they just billed my account (I do the automatic prepaid thingy) and there is over $65 dollars that Cingular already has of my money. That can't be accessed either. it is in the nether world.
I feel like I am in the nether world. This is odd. For a long time I did not have a phone, and I did not mind the disconnectedness that went along with that. Times have changed, circumstances have changed. Now I miss having a functional phone. I am so annoyed.
And Garrett at Cingular is a piss-ant!